Foxtel – dealing with 1

We continue to be flabbergasted with the fact that improvements in technology are, almost daily, making it easier and easier to deal with people and organisations, while, at the same time, it seems to be getting harder and harder!

Longtime users report that it’s now definitely more difficult to deal with Foxtel than it was 5 years ago!!!???

One of our readers reports that, as at midday on Fri. 20 Mar. 2020, if you want to speak to a Foxtel person on the phone about an urgent problem,  your best option is to hang on for over an hour!!!???

And guess who or what they blame for this? – the coronavirus, of course? What low grade people Foxtel people seem to be.

What’s wrong with providing an ordinary email address people can use to get help?

Is that the only way to get help from Foxtel at present? – to hang on on the phone for over an hour? It seems like it.

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