Getting Answers to your Technology Questions. This is a service we ofter which is similar to that offered by, only our aim is to make it better. If you Google JustAnswer, as we just did, you’ll get this:-
Rather off-putting to say the least!
JustAnswer asks you for a deposit up front, and the Internet is littered with claims that the details you provide in lodging this deposit are used to get money to which they’re not entitled – we don’t ask for any money up front or at all.
With JustAnswer, they choose the person they think it’s best for you to use. We do that too, it’s part of our service, but if you decide that person is not the person for you, you don’t have to use them once or ever again, and it won’t cost you a cent.
With JustAnswer, if you get an answer from one person, it’s quite difficult being able to contact that person again to ask them more questions. With us, once we’ve provided you with the email address of someone you’ve found helpful, you can deal with them for ever more, without any help from us.
With us, you don’t even have to pay for your first answer, if you don’t thinks it’s been helpful. You only have to pay for a first answer if you want a second question answered by the same person and found it helpful. You never have to actually pay us any money. and you’ll only ever have to pay anyone anything if you’re wanting them to provide you with a second answer after they’ve already provided you with an first answer which you found helpful at a price you thought was fair.
Admittedly, we don’t yet have the range of experts on our books that JustAnswer has, but we’re getting there. Just give us a try. Email us at with your questions.
We look forward to hearing from you.